HeatSupport+ and HeatSupport T&C's

HeatSupport and HeatSupport+ Terms and Conditions

About this document

This document sets out exactly what HeatSupport and HeatSupport+ does and doesn’t cover, what to do if you need us, how you can make changes to your subscription, and finally how to make a complaint if required.

To ensure a clear understanding of your agreement with us, it is crucial to carefully review these terms and conditions alongside your product statement. If you notice any errors on your statement or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at servicing@rendesco.com or call us at 01242 698410.

At Rendesco, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. We encourage you to review our Privacy Notices, which outline how we collect and use your data, as well as your data protection rights. Please note that our Privacy Notices are not a part of your contract with us. You can find our Privacy Notices at https://heatsupport.co.uk/privacy-policy.

To ensure clarity and understanding of these terms and conditions, we have provided the following explanations.

When we refer to "we", "us", or "our", we are referring to Rendesco Limited, the provider of HeatSupport and HeatSupport+ services, which is a non-insurance product and not authorized or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

When we use the terms "you" or "your", we are referring to the individual(s) named on your statement, as well as any individuals who typically reside in your home, including tenants. It is important to note that only the individual(s) named on the statement, their spouse, legal partner, or authorized contact can make changes to or cancel the agreement.

Throughout these terms and conditions, you may notice certain words and phrases in bold. These bolded words have particular meanings, which we have explained below for your convenience.


·      Access and Making Good: Gaining access to your appliance or system, and repairing any resulting damage, such as replacing cabinets or cupboards that we have removed, filling in holes we have made, and leaving a level surface.

·      Accidental Damage: Unintentional actions that cause your heating or hot water system to malfunction.

·      Agreement: The agreement between you and Rendesco Limited, consisting of these terms and conditions.

·      Annual Service: A yearly check during the period of agreement to ensure the circulation pump, two port valve, and radiators are working properly.

·      Approved List: A list of boilers, appliances, or parts that we are authorized to repair or replace.

·      Authority to Proceed: Written authorization from the contract holder allowing an engineer to perform work that could impact elements not covered by the policy.

·      Authorized Contact: A managing agent, landlord, or any named person authorized by you, who we have agreed can act on your behalf to make arrangements under your agreement in relation to a property.

·      Heating Controls: The controls that regulate the heating system within your home, including the thermostat, motorized zone valve, and central heating pump.

·      Heating Data: Information we may receive from your heating system.

·      Central Heating: The heat and hot water system in your property, including radiators, radiator valves, two-port valve, thermostat, and the connecting pipes.

·      Home: The dwelling where you live or own, including holiday homes or rental properties.

·      Landlord: The owner of a property that they do not occupy and which may be occupied by a tenant.

·      Managing Agent: Someone who provides managed services to a landlord in relation to one or more properties.

·      First Service: The initial check to confirm whether we can cover your heating and hot water and/or central heating.

·      Monitor / Monitoring: Keeping an eye on the performance of your heating and hot water system to help identify why you are not receiving heat or hot water.

·      Period of Agreement: The period from when your agreement starts until it ends.

·      Product/Products: The cover or service for specific appliances or systems as set out in your statement.

·      Property/Properties: Your home and all land up to your boundary, including any detached outbuildings.

·      Repair/Repairing/Repaired: To fix your heating system following an individual fault or breakdown, but not repairs that are purely cosmetic, or related to software that does not impact the main function of your heating system or appliance or make it unsafe.

·      Replacement/Replace/Replacing: To replace parts of your heating system, providing replacements with similar functionality, but not necessarily an identical make, model, or type of fitting.

·      Sanitary Ware: Your toilet bowl and cistern, bidet, sink, pedestal, bath, and shower tray.

·      Sludge: The natural build-up of deposits in your heating system as it corrodes over time.

·      Statement: The document that shows the product, orproducts, you have with us, and how much you’re paying.

·      Upgrades: Improvements that make your heating system safer or more efficient.

HeatSupport Summary

 HeatSupport provides you with peace of mind and great value by proactively taking care of your heating and hot water system, and providing access to our expert engineers to help you when things go wrong.

The following summarises the key components of the service:

·      Sign-up fee: £144 per year, inc VAT / £12 per month, inc VAT

·       Cancellation policy: Cancel at any time*

·      Minimum sign up: No minimum sign up

·      Annual Service: Included  

·      Parts and consumables: All parts and consumablescharged at cost + 25% mark up

·      Emergency and non-emergency labour rates: £48 perhour (minimum charge of 2 hours/£96)

·      24/7 Telephone Support: Included

·      Emergency Call Out Charge: £75 (in addition to the minimum charge)

·      Key Features & Benefits:

o  Tailored Service: Only pay for what you need, making it cost-effective for those with fewer service needs.

o  Quality Assurance: We maintain the same high standards of service and quality of engineers as with our Complete package.

o  Always Accessible: Our support line and experienced engineers are always available to provide guidance and resolve issues.

o  Emergency hours are defined as follows:

·      Bank holidays

·      Weekends

·      Weekdays between from 5pm to 9am

* Cancellation charges may apply, sign-up fee is non-refundable

 HeatSupport+ Summary

 HeatSupport provides you with peace of mind and great value by proactively taking care of your heating and hot water system, and providing access to our expert engineers to help you when things go wrong.

The following summarises the key components of the service:

·      Sign-up fee: £324 per year, inc VAT / £27 per month, inc VAT

·       Cancellation policy: Cancel at any time*

·      Minimum sign up: No minimum sign up

·      Annual Service: Included  

·      Parts and consumables: All parts and consumables included up to £1000

·      Emergency and non-emergency labour rates: Included

·      24/7 Telephone Support: Included

·      Emergency Call Out Charge: Included

·      Key Features & Benefits:

o  Tailored Service: Only pay for what you need, makingit cost-effective for those with fewer service needs.

o  Quality Assurance: We maintain the same high standardsof service and quality of engineers as with our Complete package.

o  Always Accessible: Our support line and experiencedengineers are always available to provide guidance and resolve issues.

o  Emergency hours are defined as follows:

·      Bank holidays

·      Weekends

·      Weekdays between from 5pm to 9am

* Cancellation charges may apply, sign-up fee is non-refundable


What is the scope of the Servicing visit

What is covered by the service visit:

·      Cleaning filters/strainers in the various parts of the heating distribution system and water treatment system.

·      Checking circulation pump performance.

·      Checking thermostat and heating control operation.

·      Checking actuator functioning and response.

·      Checking radiator flow through TRV, radiator controls, and fan functioning.

·      Checking pipework and connections generally for leaks.

·      Checking heating settings and owner understanding of heating controls.

·      Checking expansion vessel and pressure relief status.

·      Checking equipment error history.

·      Checking hot water immersion heaters.

What’s not covered by the service visit:

·      Rendesco Limited shall not incur any liability whatsoever from any damage or part failure, including costs associated with any repair or reinstatement work (whether incurred directly or indirectly)

·      Fixing your showers, their parts and shower pumps

·      Repairing or replacing taps or any sanitaryware

·      Replacing or topping up your system inhibitor

·      Any parts or equipment not directly forming part of your heating or hot water system.


General conditions

·        Your Agreement:

o  UK Law: Your agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which your property is located, which may be England and Wales or Scotland.

o  English Language: All written communication from us, including these terms and conditions, will be provided in English.

·        Prices and Payment:

o  Pricesand Price Changes: Your statement will show the price of your agreement

o  Payments:You may pay for your agreement monthly by debit or credit card, or DirectDebit. All prices include the relevant taxes at the current rate.

·      Renewals: We will contact you at least 25 daysbefore your agreement is due for renewal. We will review your premiums annuallybased on claims history and other factors, such as regulatory or commercialchanges that prompt a change in rates.

·       Cover start: Cover will start 30 days after the start date of this contract

·      Cancellation by us: We reserve the right to cancel the contract at any time after giving 14 days written notice of our intention to do so.

Your responsibilities

·      Changing Your Address: If you move to a new home, it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible. We will cancel your agreement at your old address.

·      Keeping Us Up to Date: It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your contact details, including your phone number, address, or email. If you change a something that is covered by HeatSupport, you must inform us of the make and model of the new one so we can confirm if it can be covered. If we cannot cover it then we may need to cancel or amend your product.

·      Missing Payments Under Your Agreement: Before we book your repair or visit, we may ask you to pay any missing payments due. If you do not pay what you owe us, we or our agents will contact you to recover the money. You agree that we can take action to recover the money you owe, including using funds you have paid us under another contract or account, even if that account is for a different property, using any credit balance you have with us, or selling your debt to a third party.

·      Consequences of pausingyour subscription or missing payments:If you pause or cancel your agreement, or miss any payments, at any time thenyou will lose any discounts which have been applied to your subscription price.

·      Access to Your Property: Our engineers will only work on your property if someone aged 18 or older is present at all times during the visit. It is your responsibility to provide access to your property. If we cannot gain access, we will not be able to complete the work, and it is up to you to arrange another appointment. If you fail to reschedule the appointment, your agreement will still be in effect. After a failed attempt to access your property, we may cancel your agreement.

·      Authority to Carry Out Work: If you are not at the property when our engineer visits, you must ensure that someone else is present who can provide instructions on your behalf. You must also ensure that you receive any job sheets or advice that the engineer leaves with that person. In some cases, you may be required to sign an Authority to Proceed. If you are a tenant, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary consent from your landlord to give instructions to our engineer and to pass any job sheets or advice back to the landlord. You are also responsible for obtaining consent from any relevant third parties, such as a neighbour, with whom you share a water supply pipe or driveway.

·      Working in Dangerous or Unsafe Conditions: We will not start or continue working in your home if we believe there is a health and safety risk, such as hazardous chemicals, pest infestations, verbal or physical abuse, or harassment. We will not return to finish the work until the risk is eliminated. If asbestos must be removed before we can work on your system, you must arrange and pay for someone else to remove it and provide you with a Certificate of Reoccupation, which you must present to us. This cost is the customer's responsibility and is non-refundable.

·      Under Warranty: If your heating system, or any part of it, is covered by a third-party warranty, it is your responsibility to ensure that any work we perform does not affect that warranty.

·      Authorized Contacts: If you want to designate an authorized contact, it is your responsibility to inform us of their identity so that we can note it on your agreement.

Visiting your Property

·      First Service: If your product includes a first service, we will carry it out within four months of the date that your agreement starts. During periods of high demand for our services, such as cold weather, we may need to prioritize breakdowns and postpone your first visit. If we have carried out a first service or an annual service at your address in the last twelve months, we won’t carry out a first service, even if you have just moved in.

·      First Service checks: During the first service, our engineer will check that your heating system is able to be covered by HeatSupport and will also try to check if there are any pre-existing faults.

·      Annual Service: We will send you or your authorised contact an email, letter, text message or we will call you to arrange your annual service. We will try to contact you up to two times. If we don’t hear back from you after the second attempt, or you are not at the property when our engineer visits, we won’t try again within the next12months, and won’t refund the cost of the missed annual service.

·      Timing of your annualservice: Yourannual service may be more or less than 12 months after your last servicevisit, with the aim of completing the majority of annual service visits in thesummer months to ensure your heating system is in good condition going intowinter. During periods of high demand for our services, such as cold weather,we may need to rearrange your annual service. Your first service counts as anannual service.

·      During a service visit: One of our engineers will visit yourhome to complete your annual service. During the visit, our engineer will letyou know what we’ve looked at. If we find a problem or fault that needs to befixed, we’ll inform you.

·      Reasonable Timescales: We will carry out any repairs or visitsyou’re entitled to within a reasonable time, unless something beyond ourcontrol makes that impossible or commercially unviable. In such cases, we’llinform you as soon as possible and provide you with another time when we canvisit.

·      Epidemics and pandemics: During epidemics or pandemics, we will adhere to Government guidelines concerning the restriction of non-essential travel and may have to reschedule your repair or visit until such time as the restrictions have been eased.

·      Our Engineers: We will typically send a Rendesco engineer to carry out the work. However, in some cases, we may send a suitably qualified contractor instead.

Call outs and making repairs

·      Safety Advice: From time to time, we may advise you that your appliance(s) or system needs permanent repairs or improvements that are not covered by your agreement to keep working safely. If you do not follow this advice, certain parts of your cover will be affected, but your agreement will continue until you or we change or cancel it.

·      Access and Making Good: We do not cover any costs, incurred either directly or indirectly, associated with accessing your equipment of making good and damage that results from our works. We are not responsible for repairing any pre-existing damage, nor will we replace or restore the original surface or coverings, such as tiles, floor coverings, decoration, grass, or plants.

·      Replacement Parts: We will try to source parts from the original manufacturer or our approved suppliers. We will try to provide replacements with similar functionality. If we cannot obtain the necessary parts, we may need to cancel your agreement (or part of it).

·      Curved or designer radiators: By designer radiator we mean a radiator of particular artistic design or intricate shape or fan assisted, or made from materials such as glass, marble, stone, wood or cast iron. We cannot replace designer radiators, where it is not possible to repair the radiator or faulty part, we can either:

o  replace it with a standard radiator; or

o  install a curved or designer radiator that you’ve bought yourself as long as it fits in the space required and is similar is specification to the radiator being replaced.

General exclusions

·      Beneficiaries: Only you can benefit from your agreement. No one else has coverage under your agreement.

·      Cash substitutes: We cannot offer cash instead ofcarrying out annual service, repairs, or replacements.

·      Domestic use: Your product only includes cover for normal day-to-day living purposes, such as home offices or activities of a domestic nature, including renting. It does not cover properties used primarily for commercial purposes.

·      Deliberate damage or misuse: We will not repair or replace parts that have been deliberately damaged or misused. Our engineer will use their expert judgment to determine how the damage was caused.

·      Damage linked to gas, water, or electricity supply: We will not repair any damage caused by changes in or problems with your gas, water, or electricity supply.

·      External water supply stopcock: If we cannot turnoff your external water supply stopcock to complete your repair, you are responsible for arranging with your water supplier to turn it off.

·      Software, internet communications, or radio signals: We are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by malicious, inappropriate, or unintentional interference with the software, internet communications, or radio signals of any boiler and controls, appliance, device, or system covered under this agreement.

·      Communication connections: We are not responsible for your internet connection or the data transmission to or from any boiler, appliance, device, or control system. We are not responsible for repairing or replacing any network hub, smart speaker or voice-controlled equipment, smart functionality, or any connectivity to or from your thermostat or radiator valves and mobile devices, excluding Hive hub and receiver.

·      Other loss or damage: We are not responsible for any loss of or damage to, or cleaning of property, furniture, or fixtures resulting from your boiler, appliance, or heating system breaking or failing, such as damage caused by water leaks. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage resulting from anything we do, such as loss of earnings, travel expenses, deterioration, wear and tear, settlement or shrinkage. We are also not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of delayed, rearranged, or cancelled appointments or failure to have aCP12 in place.

·      Improvements: Your product only covers repairing your heating system when it stops working. It does not cover improvements or upgrades, such as replacing smoke alarms that are past their recommended replacement date or expiry date, replacing working radiators, swapping standard radiator valves for thermostatic ones, or replacing electrical cables and fuse boards that still work.

·      Energy/central heating management systems: We won’t repair or replace energy or central heating management systems.


At Rendesco, we take every complaint seriously and strive to resolve the issue as quickly and effectively as possible. If you have any complaints, please follow any of the steps listed below:

•Email us at heatsupport@rendesco.com

•Call us on 01242 698410 to speak with a customer service representative

•Write to us at Rendesco Limited, 14 Rodney Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1JJ

We will acknowledge your complaint and aim to resolve it right away. However, if further investigation is required, we will let you know and keep you updated on the progress.

Cancellation of your agreement

·      Your cancellation rights: You have the right to cancel your agreement or a product at any time. You can do this by calling us at 01242 698410 or writing to us at Rendesco Limited, 14Rodney Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1JJ.

·      Ifyou cancel within 14 days: If you cancel within 14 days, we will provide youwith a full refund of your product(s). The 14-day cooling-off period starts onthe day you sign up to your subscription. If we have already carried out workfor you within the 14-day period, you may be required to pay cancellationcharges (see cancellation charges table below).

·      Ifyou cancel after 14 days: If you cancel after 14 days, we will cancel your agreementfrom the date you notify us and will not take any further subscription paymentsunder your agreement. No refunds will be issued. Note that cancelling yourDirect Debit through your bank does not mean that you have cancelled youragreement with us. If you stop your Direct Debit without informing us, we willtry to contact you to collect any outstanding payments. If we do not hear backfrom you and payment is not received, we will cancel your agreement no lessthan 30 days after the payment failure.

·      Our cancellation rights: We reserve the right at any time after giving 14 days written notice of our intention to do so. Upon termination by us your contract will be cancelled and this decision is solely at our discretion. No refunds will be given, and no future payments will be taken under your agreement.

·      Consequences of cancellation: If your agreement is cancelled or paused, or a payment is missed then you will lose any recurring discounts that have been applied to the price you pay for HeatSupport.

Cancellation charges

If you or we cancel your agreement or any products and we’ve already completed work for you since you bought or renewed them, you may have to pay cancellation charges.

The table on the right side of this page shows you the amount you may have to pay. We’ll take off any excesses, fixed fees and payments you’ve made since you bought or renewed your agreement.

Type of work completed

Charge for work completed

Central Heating repairs or replacement £150

All other completed repairs or  replacement £80

Annual service or first service £80


Copyright© Rendesco 2024. All rights reserved. This document or any part of it may not be reproduced or transmitted, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the owner. Any unauthorized use of thisdocument may result in civil or criminal actions. Rendesco Limited and HeatSupport are trademarks owned by Rendesco Limited in the United Kingdom and other territories.