For All Your Heating and Hot Water Needs

Whether it's routine servicing, repairs, or emergency call-outs, we have all your heat pump system requirements covered.

We offer bespoke heat pump servicing and maintenance packages to suit everyone, from large business installations to individual homeowners. We have packages to cater for all.

what is included

Heat Pump Servicing and Repairs

Your heating and hot water problems fixed so you have complete peace of mind.
our commitment

Annual Service. Issues Fixed.

We provide annual servicing to ensure your heat pump system is maintained and will continue to provide heating and hot water in the most efficient way for years to come.

We provide access to our highly experienced and skilled engineers who know your heat pump inside out and can diagnose and fix any fault or issue fast.

Access to subscribe to our ground breaking and cost reducing remote monitoring package.

The logo for Rendesco heat pump specials.

Annual Service

Our packages include an annual service of your heating and hot water system. This regular service and preventative maintenance reduces the risk of inconvenient heat pump problems.

The logo for Rendesco heat pump specials.

Reduced Call-Outs

We offer reduced call out rates and access to our highly experienced and skilled engineers

The logo for Rendesco heat pump specials.


We provide 24/7/365 cover so you can have complete peace of mind that you will always have access to our engineers.

Heat Pump Servicing and Repairs

Choose from monthly or yearly
Your heating and hot water problems fixed so you have complete peace of mind.
Your heating and hot water problems fixed so you have complete peace of mind.
need more support?

Upgrade to our HeatSupport+ package

More about HeatSupport+

Heat Pump Servicing and Repairs